The eighty photographs selected for the exhibition represent a journey through time from the original chaos to the emergence of life and its incredible diversity. They roll out in four parts: Chaos, Earth, Oasis, Bestiary.
The exhibition
The ORIGINS exhibition is a 4.5 billion-year journey that spans the birth of Earth and its formation to the emergence and explosion of life in all its forms. Erupting volcanoes spill torrents of lava, auroras dance in the polar night, icebergs melt on black strands, while erosion whittles away at mountains and rock. Vegetation conquers the mineral world, while ever more evolved insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals spread to all our planet’s natural environments. At times unbridled, at others tranquil, always stirring and eloquent, Nature is a boundless source of inspiration. ORIGINS celebrates biodiversity, its fragility, and consequently, that of humankind. This journey through time, space and diversity is meant to strengthen our bond with Nature and inspire respect for Earth, the home of all our origins.
An adaptable exhibition
that may be reconfigured to best suit its host venue:
- A minimum of 40 and maximum of 80 photographs
- For a period of one to several months
- Tailored designs for indoor and open-air spaces.
Signed and numbered art prints
All the photos in the exhibition are available as fine-art prints.
Requests, information and quotes:
Tel. +33 6 60 11 35 45 or +33 6 60 80 91 96
First displayed in 2018 along the Jardin de Luxembourg railings in Paris, ORIGINES continues its journey.

Espace pour la vie Montréal
Thanks to an original scenography, the large-format images immerse viewers in the contemplation of the beauty of our planet and the discovery of our origins.

Daily and free.
« Culture by the way » is the concept of the outdoor exhibitions displayed each year in the Roissy City Park, by the Grand Roissy Tourism Office.


Jardin du Luxembourg
The book features 150 photographs by Olivier Grunewald that bear witness to nature’s past and take the reader on a 4.5 billion year journey in search of the origins of life. Bernadette Gilbertas recounts the birth of the universe, how planet Earth formed, the emergence of life and the evolution of the animal world, with contributions from fascinating scientists: microbiologist Purificación López-García, geologist Patrick De Wever, and biologists Pierre Henry Gouyon and Gilles Boeuf.